The Egg Bandit
By K.L., Third Grade
One breezy cold night in Clucksville, there were four hens in a cozy, warm coop. They were protecting their eggs from the most horrifying dog named Bandit who lived on a scary old farm next door. Bandit was plotting to take and eat their delicious eggs.
One night Bandit snuck outside to steal an egg. At that moment he murmured in a creepy voice, "I know I will get the eggs! The hens are fast asleep." But one of the hens heard something outside of the coop. "What is going on?" she thought for a second. "Oh no! Bandit is trying to steal our eggs!"
She woke up the others. They all thought for a moment. One of the hens had been thinking, "What does Bandit hate most of all? Oh yes, he hates baths! We can run the hose and when he comes near us we can spray it all over Bandit. It will surprise and bother him so much he will go off whimpering." So they all ran to the hose when he got there but they hadn't thought about how to turn the faucet on. They only had wings, not hands! When Bandit got close he breathed hard on all of them. All of the hens squawked, "Yuck! Doggy breath!" They all ran for the bushes while they tried to recover from his stinky breath. Bandit walked away pretending to give up, but the chickens didn't fall for it. As they predicted Bandit turned around and headed for the coop and their precious eggs. The hens ran for the faucet again and one of them jumped on the handle. WIth her foot she turned the faucet handle and it finally worked!
The chickens yelled, "Bandit!" The dog quickly turned around and got sprayed in the face with the hose! Ewww, he was wet, but he managed to shake it off. He suddenly saw the hens were not protecting their eggs so bandit dashed over to the coop. He grabbed two eggs, leaving the hens very sad. Bandit felt triumphant and victorious.
Now the chickens are plotting their revenge. What will happen? What will they do?
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