Ellie the Race Elephant
By M.S., Third gradeIt was a bright and sunny morning in the Hullabuloo Jungle. Animals were waking up everywhere. Right in the middle of the jungle Ellie the elephant was getting ready for a big day. She was a kind of grey elephant with big ears and she hated cheating. Most of all, Ellie was fast. She was getting ready to compete in a race called, The Stampede. It would be run against cheetahs, other elephants, squirrels, monkeys, and snakes!
One of the cheetahs was very boastful. He was always boasting that he was the fastest land animal in the whole world! Ellie did not like him at all! As Ellie put on her racing t-shirt, she stared out the window. Lots of other animals had started getting ready for the race. When she was finished, she stepped outside her hut to hear admiring gasps and cheers from her fellow Elephants. Her purple shirt was glimmering in the sunlight, with her favorite number on it- 100. She trotted over to her position unaware that a certain cheetah was putting extra itching powder in her running shoes!
As the other animals gathered around the racetrack, Ellie looked around at her opponents. Molly, who is a monkey who loves to swing on trees, Squeaker the squirrel who is an excellent scurrier, Speedy the snake who is the fastest slitherer of all, Ellie's friend Eddie who was a great stampeder, and Firefeet the mean cheetah! "I bet that none of the animals here will beable ot beat me!" he boasted. Ellie looked at him angrily in the eyes. "We'll see about that!" she said in a competitive tone of voice.
"On your mark, get set, go!" yelled the announcer through his microphone. The animals blasted off! "We have Firefeet in first place, in second, Squeakers, Molly the monkey is way up in the trees in third, and on her tail is SPeedy. Eddie and Ellie, however, seem to have something in their shoes! How strange!"
Fire feet chuckled. Ellie burst out, "it was him, Firefeet!" Suddenly her face lit up. "I have an idea! Take off your shoes, Eddie. Do what I do." She called. Ellie spread out her ears and let the wind blow her up into the sky. She floated over all of her opponents. Ellie could see the finishing line in front of her. "Just a little bit farther." she said to herself. She crossed the finish line in first place! ALl the animals cheered! Eddie landed beside her in second place. "Thanks Ellie!" he told her. "No problem!" she replied.
Meanwhile Firefeet was so surprised. He stopped to stare at them as they floated by. The animals sped past him, puttin ghim in last place. The other animals were good sports about not winning. All except for Firefeer. "I'll get you back!" he panted. Ellie ignored him. She held the trophy high in the air with her trunk to show the crowd her prize.
After the race the animals had a big party to celebrate the win. When it was over, Ellie fell fast asleep. It had been a long day.
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